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Augmented Reality Marketing Strategies for 2022.

Augmented Reality is fast becoming the next landslide trend in mobile advertising and a surefire way to target high-quality traffic. What felt like a fly-by-night craze has fast become its own 6.36 billion mega-market. Augmented Reality now spans eCommerce, Health & Wellness, Fashion, Cosmetics, and other core verticals and shows no sign of slowing down. 

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality lets you catch Pokemon on the subway, check the day’s weather in 3D, or try out 500+ sunglasses from bed. This technology enhances and changes our physical surroundings with digital content overlaid on screen to create a wide range of immersive experiences. It’s like having a plug-in that amplifies life to the fullest.

We’ve gotten to the point where an app or program can modify our real-world environment with sound, insane visuals, or even smell. To say that advertising has come a long way since billboards is an understatement. 

And, any groundbreaking innovation needs a fast lane to drive it forward. That’s where mobile marketing comes into play. With more people than ever banking, shopping, interacting, and advertising exclusively on mobile, Augmented Reality now has the power to reshape traffic engagement and retention for good.

Mobile Advertising Revenue Spend- Augmented Reality Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) market revenue worldwide from 2019 to 2025 (courtesy of Statista) 

Benefits of using Augmented Reality in your business

The age of using Augmented Reality in your advertising campaigns may be closer than you think. To date, some of the biggest brands are running campaigns in AR to maximum effect. Starbucks, Ikea, Mercedes, Lacoste, the New York Times, and many more powerhouse brands have already taken the plunge into AR. As more businesses adopt Augmented Reality for long-term advertising and brand building, some strong acquisition opportunities will be on the horizon for SMEs.  Augmented Reality helps to…

 – Create unique and meaningful digital experiences for customers.
– Simplify and speed up the conversion/purchasing cycle.
– Eliminate buyer fatigue with captivating content and stunning visuals.
– Heighten user engagement tenfold.
– Differentiate offers from the competition like never before.

Which Companies Lead the Charge in Augmented Reality? 

Seeing massive growth potential, some of the biggest companies in the world are already developing and rolling out cutting-edge AR technology across multiple sectors. 

Apple ARKit: Apple’s ARKit technology suite is a leading augmented reality development platform designed exclusively for iOS mobile devices. It allows digital marketers and advertisers to build incredible environments and bring any number of ideas to life. You can read up more on apples ARKit platform here

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ARCore: Search giant Google has thrown its powerful presence behind Augmented Reality in the last few years with the ARCore platform. Available on Android and iOS, ARCore allows mobile users to interact with their environment like never before. Games developers and Fortune 500 companies are using ARCore to design and tailor immersive digital interactions in real-time. Find out more about the ARCore platform here

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SparkAR Software: Facebook’s SparkAR studio has made it easier than ever to create, develop and share captivating AR videos worldwide. The suite has a host of easy-to-use templates, customizations, and tools designed to enhance reality to the fullest. And Facebook is officially one of the first to incorporate an AR plugin into their online advertising portal. Find out more about the SparkAR suite here

As the industry continues to expand to untold heights, the best online advertising platforms, affiliates, and digital marketers will start to onboard Augmented Reality to boost onsite engagement, enhance consumer experiences, and bring in higher conversions than ever. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to get to grips with AR and be front and center for the new wave of online advertising set to take the market by storm. 

So, what are some of the Mobile Marketing Strategies that will stand the test of time and continue to adapt to Augmented Reality and the future of online advertising?

Mobile Marketing Strategies for 2022

In time to come, a solid mobile strategy can use AR to generate higher conversions than ever before. Find the best mobile strategies, so that when AR hits the online ad market for good, you’ll be ready. 

Target Your Campaigns to the Right Mobile Network 

Once you get to grips with your target audience and localize your content, it’s vital to pick a suitable mobile carrier. When optimizing your campaign on the Adcash network, select your target connection type from the dropdowns available. Where possible, try running two campaigns back to back, one for iOS, one for Android, and see which gains the most traction. Keep in mind that both operating systems are taking concrete steps to further develop their Augmented Reality tech in time to come. 

Find the Right User Interest Targeting

When you’re creating your campaign on the Adcash platform, be sure to select the website category that is most applicable to your campaign. You have the option to select multiple filters. For example, if you’re going after mobile sports traffic, it might be a good idea to include gambling, so as to tap into the overarching sports betting market as well. The algorithm will then automatically pair with high-quality traffic based on browsing habits. This will match your ads to what a user has previously shown interest in. Find out more about User Interest Targeting

Adcash - Augmented Reality - User Interest Targeting

Incentivize Your Ads

Traffic is more likely to click on your offer if there’s a visible incentive on the cards. Find the offers with discounts or vouchers, or, if you’re running your own products/services, create an exciting incentive of your own. The only rule here is that it needs to draw focus immediately. Make it bold, make it bright, and ensure that the user doesnt have to jump through too many pages to convert on the offer. In most mobile advertising campaigns, linking back to a high-quality, well-optimized Landing Page is the way to go. 

Continually Optimize for Mobile: 

Usually, around a second into loading time, user engagement will start to drop off. Make sure that your mobile campaigns are always fast loading to generate the most traffic possible. Additionally, keep the copy short and make the offer and its added incentive stand out immediately. Also, compress your images for better mobile compatibility. 

Use Top-Performing Mobile Ad Formats 

Side with mobile ad formats that will integrate seamlessly with Augmented Reality to produce immersive campaigns that jump of the screen. 

Pop-Under: The undisputed leader in mobile marketing, Pop-Unders appear behind the end-users browser window and integrate into the UX flow for higher engagement and less disruption. As the last thing the user sees before exiting the website, they also stay top of mind for the future. Check out 5 Reasons Why Pop-Unders are so Effective.

Interstitial Ads:  This striking full-screen format has a 5-second delay in exit times. This countdown window ensures your campaign content is always visible. Plus, the template contains space for eye-catching visuals displayed on larger browser windows. Find out why Interstitials are the Ultimate Cure for Banner Blindness

Run Your Campaigns With the Right Ad Network

Developing and running your campaigns with one ad network ensures a degree of quality across the board. When using multiple networks, it can be tricky to decipher where the best leads are generated. There are several quality networks on the market, so do your research and find the option that drives your campaigns to greater heights. 

Here at Adcash, we make it our daily mission to provide clean, transparent, and direct traffic sources, ensuring the highest ad quality and top-notch user experience with every campaign.

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