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NEW! Make your ads seen with Native Push Notifications!

We’re excited to announce that our newest high-performing ad format is here – Native Push Notifications!

Native Push Notifications is a term that has been creating quite a buzz during this past year. We are of course talking about the new advertising format that enables marketeers to deliver notifications straight to users’ devices. Push Notifications allow new possibilities for digital advertisers to reach their target audience and publishers to monetize their traffic in real time. Read more to find out why Native Push Notifications should be part of your online marketing strategy.


How do Push Notifications work?

Before users start receiving Push Notifications, they will be asked their consent. Once they have opted-in, the ads will be shown on the top right-hand corner of the desktop and on mobile devices they will appear on their home screen.


push notification premission

Users have to opt-in to start receiving the ads


Push Notifications look like alerts that users are used to seeing, whether it might be a calendar appointment notification, new email alert, a new Skype message or any other notifications that prompt users to take an action. Therefore, that is why people are more likely to click on them rather than ads on a particular website or social media. Push notifications don’t disrupt the user experience by one bit and provide flexibility and urgency to show the content at the right time.

push notifications

This is how the Adcash Push Notifications look like on users’ devices 


Why should advertisers use Push Notifications?

Native Push Notifications help advertisers to reach their audience in the most innovative way. This format gives advertisers direct access to their target audience without any intermediaries. This means that the ads will be delivered directly to users’ devices – they don’t even need to be on a website or mobile browser to receive it.

In addition to giving advertisers a better reach, there are multiple other reasons why this format stands out. Since users have to first agree to start receiving the notifications, it guarantees bot-free traffic, meaning that ads are only seen by the real user.

This format ensures high visibility and reach for your ads. Push Notifications are a brilliant way to acquire new users and this is because Push Notifications look like alerts that immediately grab attention without being intrusive which guarantees high engagement and click-through-rates (CTRs)!

With Adcash DSP+ platform, advertisers can create Push and Web Native campaigns within the same campaign. It saves you time by creating two separate Native campaigns and all you need is an eye-catching image, attention-grabbing title and your brand name to attract users attention. Plus, you can choose from our macros (i.e. country, city, OS) to make the ads even more relevant to consumers and use our wide range of targeting options to show the right content to the right audience.


Push Notifications for publishers

Push Notifications offer publishers an unexpected way to monetize their audience. This new user-centric ad format brings high eCPMs for publishers.

There are multiple other reasons why this ad format is so special. It offers a non-intrusive ad experience to the website users and an easy monetization for publishers since it can be used alongside other ad formats giving publishers additional revenue without affecting any other ad formats.

In addition, publishers will get high visibility and engagement as this unique and eye-catching ad format will be shown to the user on their device, which means that they don’t need to be on the publisher’s site. The notifications don’t take up any ad space on your website as they’re not placed there but as an alert instead, which offers a smart way to make more money.

With Adcash, publishers can integrate Push Notifications very easily by copy-pasting just one single script on their website. No additional steps required!


Need any assistance?

If you might have any questions about the new Native Push Notifications ad format or our platform in general, then please drop us a line at [email protected].

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Profile picture of luan

luan on Nov 21, 2018 at 2:59 am

Que legal, achei muito interessante!

Profile picture of Laura-Liisa

Laura-Liisa on Dec 14, 2018 at 9:31 am

Thank you for your feedback, we're glad you like it! Team Adcash

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