
Unique users per day


Saved by blocking fraudulent traffic in 2023


Conversions per day

Spend less & Achieve more


Unify your media buying and gain access to our exclusive network of publishers and over 200 supply partners


Our anti-fraud technology saved advertisers $21.5M in 2023 and protects you from the industry’s biggest threat


Our smart bidding technology optimizes ROI automatically


Run successful ad campaigns

Our performance-driven ad technology gives you all the features and tools you need to create highly-targeted global advertising campaigns. With premium inventory and prediction algorithms, you can reach your target audience across all formats and devices through one interface.

Fast campaign creation

Set up your campaign and start advertising within minutes

Multiple Ad formats

Performance-driven ad formats with high engagement and ROI

ADVANCED Targeting

Tailor your ads to the right audience and choose from our wide range of targeting options

Tracking & Reporting

Monitor your campaign performance in real-time and make data-driven decisions

Automated ROI Optimization

Our CPA Target bidding technology automatically removes manual work and optimizes ROI

Anti-Fraud Technology

Our sophisticated fraud filters protect your ad campaigns from unwanted traffic

Run, manage and optimize your campaigns all in one place!

How to get started

Whether your goal is to generate leads, traffic, find new users or promote a product or service, use the Adcash platform to create a powerful performance campaign in a few simple steps

1. Start

Sign up on the Adcash platform as an advertiser

2. Create

Create highly-targeted worldwide campaigns across multiple ad formats from as little as €/$100

3. Reach

Put your business in front of global audiences with Adcash’s exclusive publisher network and over 200 supply partners

4. Optimize

Manually optimize your campaign ROI or let our in-house ad tech automatically maximize it for you

5. Grow

Reach your goals with result-driven customer acquisition