

  1. 1.Introduction
  2. 2.Why do we need new SEO Strategies?
  3. 3.Google Discover
  4. 4.Google E-E-A-T
  5. 5.Google Trends
  6. 6.SEO for Video Content
  7. 7.SEO Clusters
  8. 8.Backlinking & External Linking
  9. 9.Parasite SEO
  10. 10.SEO Tools to Utilise this Year
  11. 11.Conclusion

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Building Your SEO Strategy for 2024

It’s almost time to blow the whistle on 2023, which means we’re all gearing up for our 2024 SEO strategies!

It’s a daunting task for anyone, which is why today we’ll be taking a look at what really mattered in the world of SEO throughout this year, as well as preparing you (and us) for what’s to come.

Buckle in; it’s search engine optimization time!

Why do we need new SEO Strategies?

SEO isn’t just about throwing in some keywords and hoping for the best; it’s a nuanced approach to enhancing your online presence and making your content stand out in a vast sea of information. An SEO strategy encompasses a myriad of tactics, from optimizing website structure and content to building quality backlinks and staying on top of the latest search engine algorithms.

Now, the thing about SEO is that it’s not a one-and-done deal; it’s a journey, not a destination. Search engines, like Google, are constantly tweaking their algorithms, and user behaviors are ever-changing. What worked wonders last year might not cut it this year. That’s why it’s crucial to dust off the cobwebs and reassess your strategy annually. It’s not just about keeping up with the digital Joneses; it’s about staying relevant and ensuring your online presence aligns with the current trends and search engine preferences.

Think of it as giving your website a yearly check-up. Just like you wouldn’t rely on last year’s fitness routine to keep you in shape, you can’t rely on an outdated SEO strategy to keep your website fit and healthy. A fresh SEO strategy allows you to adapt to the latest SEO trends, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and address any weaknesses that might have cropped up. It’s the digital equivalent of staying agile and ready to pivot when the landscape shifts.

In essence, it isn’t just a tool for visibility; it’s a dynamic process that requires constant attention and fine-tuning. Search engines will thank you, and so will your wallet!

Get Discovered on Google Discover

Unlike the classic search, Google Discover serves up personalized content suggestions on the user’s mobile home screen or within the Google app. Picture it as Google saying, “Hey, I know you better than you know yourself, and here’s some stuff you might find interesting.”

To end up in the spotlight of Google Discover, you’ve got to be on top of your SEO game. It’s not about begging Google to notice you; it’s about wooing it with unignorable content.

google discover
First things first, quality is your best friend. Google Discover thrives on delivering content that users engage with, so crafting top-notch, engaging material is your golden ticket. Think eye-catching visuals, compelling headlines, and content that’s both informative and entertaining.

Keywords still reign supreme, but here’s the twist – they need to meld seamlessly within your content. Google Discover loves natural, authentic wording, so sprinkle in keywords like a face-to-face conversation, not like a robot with a dictionary.

Also, stay current. Google Discover has a thing for what’s being talked about, so keeping your content fresh and up-to-date is key. Trending topics? Check. Seasonal relevance? Double-check.

Now, let’s talk about the importance of user experience. Google Discover is all about making users happy, so ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads fast! Nobody likes to wait, especially not Google. Embrace the mobile revolution, and you’ll have Google Discover swooning.

In short, craft quality and engaging content, sprinkle in some well-placed keywords, stay current, and ensure your website is as mobile-friendly as a dating app. Get those elements in sync, and you can find your content gracing the screens of users who didn’t even know they were looking for it.

Changes to Google E-E-A-T

While we’re talking all things Google, we definitely need to take a look at Google’s E-E-A-T, or Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.
This acronym encapsulates a set of principles that Google employs to assess and rank the quality of content on the web. Introduced as part of Google’s Search Quality Guidelines, E-E-A-T (previously E-A-T) serves as a guiding framework for the search algorithm to evaluate the credibility and reliability of online content.

Let’s break down each component of E-E-A-T:

Experience (E)
This pertains to the level of knowledge and skill demonstrated by the content creator or website. Google wants to see content produced by individuals or organizations with genuine experience in their respective fields.

Expertise (E)
While outwardly seemingly quite simile to the ‘Experience’ part of the equation, ‘Expertise’ is gauged by the level of qualification the creator has on a particular subject area. For example, do they have accreditations or a significant body of work in the sector?

Authoritativeness (A)
Authoritativeness focuses on the perceived authority or influence of the content creator or website. It considers factors like reputation, industry recognition, and the overall standing in the online community.

High-quality backlinks from reputable sources can contribute to establishing authority.

Trustworthiness (T)
Trustworthiness assesses the reliability and credibility of the information provided. It’s about ensuring that the content is accurate, transparent, and sourced from reliable, verifiable origins.

Elements like a clear privacy policy, secure website protocols, and accurate contact information contribute to building trust.

In essence, Google E-E-A-T is Google’s way of ensuring that the content it ranks highly is not only relevant but also reliable and trustworthy.

Google Trends

The last stop on the Google train is Google Trends! Trends provide a visual representation of search volume, enabling you to identify patterns, spikes, or declines in interest for specific topics. For SEO purposes, this is particularly valuable in identifying trending topics and keywords, allowing you to optimize content around what users are actively searching for. This helps inform the creation of relevant and timely content, improving the chances of attracting organic traffic.

By comparing the popularity of different keywords, you can essentially prioritize those with higher search volume, helping you to focus on terms that are currently resonating with your users. Additionally, Google Trends aids in understanding the seasonality of certain topics, enabling the optimization of content calendars to align with peak periods of interest.
Moreover, the tool provides geographical insights, allowing you to tailor your SEO strategies to specific regions where your target audience is concentrated, so be sure to harness it!

Get your SEO boards waxed because 2024 is the year of riding the Google wave! 🌊

google trends

SEO for Video Content

Lights, camera, action! Yes, SEO really does matter when it comes to video content. This is often overlooked, but it’s an area that you fundamentally must ensure is covered if video content is a worthwhile pillar in your content stream.

First up, let’s talk titles and descriptions. Your video’s title is like the headline of a blockbuster movie – make it captivating, keyword-rich, and something viewers can’t resist clicking on. Descriptions? Think of them as the supporting actors – they provide context, engage the audience, and, oh, they’re an excellent place for more keywords!

Now, let’s talk thumbnails – the movie posters of the digital era. No one picks up a movie with a bland poster, right? Make your thumbnails pop, be visually compelling, and give viewers a sneak peek into the excitement your video promises.

Transcripts – they’re not the behind-the-scenes script; they’re your SEO sidekick. Search engines love transcripts because they decode your video’s content. It’s like turning your video into a readable novel for Google – a win-win!

And now, the big one – watch time. It’s not just a vanity metric; it’s your golden ticket. Longer videos aren’t just for kicks; they keep viewers glued, signaling to search engines that your content is binge-worthy and likely contains something worthwhile as opposed to just being throwaway content.

seo for video

SEO Clusters

Now, let’s dive into the realm of SEO clusters. Think of SEO clusters as a superhero team where each member (or content piece) has its own responsibility, but together, they create a force to be reckoned with. These clusters are groups of related content that revolve around a central topic and play a vital role in boosting your website’s visibility and authority.

Why are they Important?
Search engines love organized chaos. When your content is structured into clusters, it’s like handing Google a neatly labeled roadmap to explore your website. It helps search engines understand the depth and breadth of your expertise on a particular subject, making them more likely to consider you a credible source. Plus, it enhances the user experience, leading visitors on a smooth journey through your content wonderland.

How to Implement

Identify Pillar Content
This is the central theme around which your cluster will orbit. This is your main superhero, and it needs to lead the charge. It should be a central topic that aligns with your expertise and audience’s interests —  a main hub, one of the cornerstones of your SEO cluster.

Create Satellite Content
Next, create satellite content that delves deeper into specific aspects of the pillar topic. These are like the supporting Avengers, each contributing their unique strengths to the overall mission.

Interlink Strategically
Interlinking is where the magic happens. Connect your pillar content to the satellite pieces through strategic internal links. This guides users through a comprehensive exploration and signals to search engines that there’s a rich tapestry of knowledge on your website. It’s like weaving a web of content!

Regularly Update and Expand
But wait, don’t just stop there – keep the cluster growing and evolving. Regularly update your content and add fresh perspectives. It’s about showing Google that you’re not just a one-hit wonder but a dynamic, evolving source of expertise.

In a nutshell, SEO clusters boost your website’s visibility and authority. Create a powerful pillar, surround it with supporting satellites, weave them together with strategic links, and keep the content running seamlessly as one interconnected unit! 💪🚀

Diversifying your Content Spread

While your focus should be primarily on your website, it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one online basket. Instead, branch out to other content platforms to expand your reach, build authority, and tell search engines, “Hey, I’m everywhere, and I’ve got something valuable to say!”

Why Distribute Your Content Across Multiple Platforms?

Diverse Audiences
Different platforms attract different audiences. By diversifying where your content lives, you increase the chances of reaching new and varied sets of eyes. It’s like having a conversation with people in different rooms at the same party.

SEO Signal Boost
Search engines love diversity. When your content pops up in various corners of the internet, it sends positive signals about your relevance and authority. It’s akin to having multiple references vouching for your expertise.

Brand Visibility
Being omnipresent in the digital realm boosts your brand visibility. The more platforms you’re on, the more likely users are to stumble upon your content, remember your brand, and even become loyal followers.

A Rundown of Content Distribution Platforms

Your Own Website
– The digital headquarters where you have full control over your content and brand messaging.
– Publish comprehensive articles, blog posts, and cornerstone content here.

Social Media Platforms
Engage with a massive audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
– Share bite-sized content, visuals, and snippets that drive traffic back to your website.

Video Platforms (YouTube, Vimeo)
– Leverage the power of video content for a dynamic and engaging experience.
– Create how-to videos, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand.

Podcasting Platforms
– Reach audiences on the go with audio content on platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts.
– Dive deep into discussions, interviews, or storytelling related to your niche.

Guest Posts and Publications
– Contribute content to reputable websites in your industry or related fields.
– Guest posting not only expands your reach but also builds valuable backlinks.

Online Communities and Forums
– Participate in relevant online communities, forums, or niche-specific platforms.
– Share your expertise by answering questions and providing helpful insights.

Email Newsletters
Nurture a dedicated audience through regular email newsletters.
– Share exclusive content, updates, and promotions directly with your subscribers.

Remember, the key is not just to be present but to be purposeful. Tailor your content for each platform, engage with your audience, and create a cohesive narrative across the digital landscape. By spreading your content wings across multiple platforms, you’re not just playing the SEO game but mastering it across a harmony of platforms!

Backlinking & External Linking

Let’s venture into the territory of external linking and backlinking. Think of this as a strategic exchange of favors in the online ecosystem, where the currency is not money but credibility and authority.

External Linking and Backlinking Unveiled

  • External Linking (Outbound Links): This is the art of linking your content to other reputable websites. It’s like acknowledging the digital neighborhood and saying, “Hey, there’s valuable information over there too!”
  • Backlinking (Inbound Links): Now, flip the script. Backlinking is when other websites link to your content. It’s a digital vote of confidence, signaling to search engines that your content is noteworthy and authoritative.

How to Utilize External Linking and Backlinking in 2024

Strategic Outbound Links
– When crafting content, strategically link to high-authority external sources that add value.
– This not only enhances the credibility of your content but also contributes to a positive user experience.

Relevance is Key
– Ensure that your outbound links are contextually relevant to your content.
– The links should provide additional insights, references, or complementary information to what you’re offering.

Diversify Anchor Text
– Mix up the anchor text in your outbound links. Don’t always use the exact match for your targeted keywords.
– A natural, varied anchor text profile is more appealing to search engines.

Quality Over Quantity
– Focus on quality backlinks rather than sheer quantity. One authoritative backlink can be more impactful than numerous low-quality ones.
– Seek backlinks from reputable sources within your industry or niche.

Guest Posting and Collaborations
– Engage in guest posting on reputable websites within your niche.
– This not only provides exposure to new audiences but also builds valuable backlinks.

Build Relationships
– Foster relationships within your industry or community.
– Genuine relationships can lead to organic backlinks as others reference and share your valuable content.

Regularly Monitor and Update
– Keep a keen eye on your backlink profile using tools.
– Regularly update and refresh your content to maintain its relevance and appeal.

Parasite SEO

It’s time to shed some light on the interesting but often misunderstood topic of parasite SEO – a strategy that’s been quietly evolving in the shadows. Picture it as harnessing the power of existing authority to give your content a turbo boost up the search engine ranks. It’s not about reinventing the wheel; it’s about catching a ride on a well-established vehicle and steering it in the direction of your goals.

Parasite SEO in a Nutshell

Piggybacking on Authority
Parasite SEO involves strategically leveraging high-authority platforms to host your content. It’s like setting up camp on a popular, well-frequented island rather than trying to build your own from scratch.

Google’s Love for Authority
Search engines adore authoritative domains. When your content resides on platforms with a stellar reputation, it tends to enjoy a credibility boost in the eyes of Google and other search algorithms.

Quick Wins
Parasite SEO can be a shortcut to quicker wins in the search game. Instead of waiting for your brand-new website to gain authority, you tap into existing credibility to get your content noticed sooner.

How to Utilize Parasite SEO in 2024

Choose Your Host Wisely

– Identify high-authority platforms relevant to your niche. This could include social media sites, forums, or established blogging platforms.

Craft Optimized Content
Develop content tailored to the host platform and optimized for relevant keywords.
– Ensure your content aligns with the platform’s guidelines and engages its specific audience.

Leverage Multimedia
Incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, or infographics to enhance engagement.
– Platforms often favor diverse, engaging content that keeps users on their pages.

Strategic Linking
Integrate strategic internal and external links within your content.
– Linking to reputable sources and back to your own related content adds value and signals credibility.

Stay Updated
Monitor changes in algorithms and platform policies.
– Adapt your strategy to align with evolving guidelines and ensure continued success.

Engage with the Community
Participate actively in discussions, comments, and forums related to your content.
– Building a positive presence enhances your credibility within the platform’s community.

Remember, while parasite SEO can be a powerful ally, it’s essential to tread carefully. Play by the rules, add value to the platform, and think of it as a symbiotic relationship where both you and the host benefit. By strategically utilizing parasite SEO in 2024, you can make the most of your content and (ethically) other people’s!

SEO Tools to Utilise this Year

You’re likely thinking that this is all a lot to take in (and it is!), but remember that you’re not going at this alone. There’s a whole host of great tools out there to help you make waves with your content. With that in mind, here are 5 great SEO tools we recommend harnessing in 2024:

Ahrefs is like that slick multitool you always wanted. Need to dissect your backlinks? Check. Want to spy on your competitors? Check. It’s the all-in-one package for keyword research, site audits, and the secret sauce to decode your SEO mysteries.

Surfer SEO
Imagine having a magic wand for your content. Surfer SEO is just that. It sneaks a peek at top-ranking pages for your keywords and spills the beans on how to craft content that Google falls head over heels for. It’s the magic your blog posts have been dreaming of.

SEMrush is basically the superhero headquarters for all things SEO. Need to spy on your competitors (again)? Done. Want to track your keyword rankings? Easy peasy. It’s like having a command center where you call the shots.

Moz is like the wise old sage of SEO. It’s been around the block and knows its stuff. From crawling your site for issues to helping you uncover those elusive keywords, Moz is your guide to SEO success.

Google Search Console
Let’s not forget the OG – Google Search Console. It’s like having a hotline to the SEO authorities themselves. Get insights into how Google sees your site, fix issues, and enjoy seriously optimized search performance.

There you have it, your 2024 SEO squad!


To wrap it all up, be sure to remember that mastering SEO is not a static task but an ongoing journey that demands adaptability and strategic finesse. Whether you’re crafting compelling content clusters, riding the Google Discover wave, or strategically deploying parasite SEO, the overarching theme remains the same: staying relevant, engaging audiences, and aligning with the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines.

Each tactic contributes to the transformative process of turning a mere online presence into being measurably significant in the digital space. Through annual reassessment of your SEO strategy, you’ll ensure not just visibility but also sustained relevance.

The world of SEO is a living, breathing ecosystem shaped by user behavior, technological advancements, and algorithmic updates. Therefore, the strategies outlined are not mere tools but dynamic approaches that demand continuous attention and adaptation.

The common thread amongst all of this is innovation — the success of your SEO strategy lies not just in what you know today but in your ability to learn, adapt, and stay one step ahead tomorrow. It’s a journey where the only constant is change, so embrace is wholeheartedly!

Do you have any killer ideas for your upcoming strategy? Let us know in the comments below!

Good luck! 🚀🌐

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1 comment

Profile picture of Sphamandla Mavuso

Sphamandla Mavuso on Jan 14, 2024 at 6:18 am

Wow it's good

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