

  1. 1.What’s New?
  2. 2.Payment Frequency
  3. 3.Payment Terms
  4. 4.Payment Requests
  5. 5.Publisher Loyalty Program

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New Customized Payment Request Settings on Adcash!

Our digital processes are becoming increasingly customizable, and so is payment processing. Businesses and consumers alike are interested in faster, safer, and more convenient payment methods.  

To make your payments with Adcash more convenient, we have updated our payment frequency and terms settings to give you the reins! 

Dear Publishers, this post is just for you. Keep reading as we’ll cover the updates regarding the payment frequency and payment terms and will go over what stays the same and what has changed. Needless to say, we will be there when you have questions concerning future payments and steps.

What’s new? 🤔

  • You can now request payments at any moment!
  • Payment requests are paid on Tuesdays depending on your chosen payment term.
    (Net +1 is the only exception to this rule; in this case, payments will be made on the next business day.)
  • The system now considers your wallet’s previous day’s balance when requesting payment.
  • Payment frequency and term settings are available to all publishers after receiving at least one verified first-time NET+30 payment from Adcash.
    (Due to internal quality check processes, payment term settings are unavailable to third-party SSPs/indirect traffic providers. Please contact your account manager or our support team if you have further questions.)
  • Swifter payments can be requested completely free of charge by increasing your Loyalty Program tier.

Under manual payments, there are now two new options:

New faster payment frequenciesthis setting specifies how often the payment requests are created. 

* Please note that requesting only one payment per frequency cycle is possible.

Monthly – every month, auto-billing starts on the 3rd of each month.

Bi-weekly – every second week, auto-billing starts on Tuesdays.

Weekly – every week, auto-billing starts on Tuesdays.

Daily –  exactly what you’d expect 😉

New customized payment termsthis setting specifies how fast your payment is paid after the request. 

* “NET” is a definition of the date of request.

For instance:

You have a balance of 1000 USD and decide to request payment with the term NET+1. In this case, you will receive 1000 – 10% = 900 USD the next business day.

NB! If you have a first-time payment request, it is not allowed to change the payment term for this request. 


After the first payment has been paid, it will be possible to start using all available payment terms!

The previously mentioned changes are only related to the manual payment requests. The auto-billing settings remain the same.

If you are unable to request payment, it means one of the following cases applies:

  • You have already requested a payment.
  • Your account balance has not reached the minimum payment threshold (5 EUR/USD).

Minimum thresholds of different payment types:

  • Bank wire transfer
  • Bitcoin
  • PayPal
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Skrill
  • Capitalist


Once the payment is requested, it will appear in the following field with an approximate payment date:


* Please note that the requested funds are locked after the payment is requested.

Next up is your Publisher Welcome Gift

As a little treat, all new publishers will automatically earn a Welcome Gift upon registration, which allows you to request a NET+1 payment without any retained amount!

Here’s how to use it:

  1. On your account home page, you’ll see this banner:
  2. Ensure your payment requests are set to manual as this doesn’t apply to auto-billing.
  3. Select NET+1 as the payment term.

Then simply request the payment, and it’ll go through the following day! 🙌

Last but not least — our Publisher Loyalty Program!

Publisher Loyalty Levels

The Adcash Publisher Loyalty Program grants you the ability to level up your rank and gain the ability to request faster payments, all for free.

All publishers are automatically enrolled in this program and can further their progress by simply achieving a daily activity threshold without missing a day.

The Loyalty Program tiers are as follows:

Starter: 0 to 30 days (No level earned)
Plus: 30 to 100 days  (NET+15 without charges)
Premium: 100 to 365 days (NET+7 without charges)
Elite: 365+ days of continuous activity (NET+1 without charges)

Each level also has its own daily activity threshold:

Starter: 1 EUR/USD per day
Plus: 3 EUR/USD per day
Premium: 5 EUR/USD per day
Elite: 5 EUR/USD per day

As always, you can reach out to us right here if you have any questions.

Also, feel free to leave a comment in the box below, and we’ll make sure we get in touch pronto!  

Bye for now!


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