

  1. 1.Introduction
  2. 2.Knowing your audience
  3. 3.The human touch
  4. 4.Keyword Ranking vs. Difficulty
  5. 5.Time to E-A-T!
  6. 6.On-page SEO made easy
  7. 7.Your SEO Checklist
  8. 8.Link-Building made easy
  9. 9.Conclusion

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SEO 101: The Ultimate Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of SEO!

In the online landscape where visibility and prominence reign supreme, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) emerges as the guiding light for businesses and individuals striving to make their content climb to the top of search engine results! Whether you’re a seasoned digital marketer looking to refine your strategies or a curious newcomer eager to unravel the mysteries of SEO, this comprehensive guide will serve as your starting point on the journey to mastering the art of optimization.

In this SEO 101 guide, we’ll demystify the fundamentals, explore the intricate web of ranking factors, and equip you with the tools and insights you need to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of search engines. From deciphering the algorithms that dictate search results to uncovering the secrets of on-page and off-page optimization, we’re here to empower you with the knowledge that will boost your online presence and unlock new realms of opportunity.

Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand your reach, a content creator seeking to amplify your audience, or simply someone intrigued by the mechanisms that shape the digital world, this article will (hopefully!) be enlightening and transformative.

You’ll soon be propelling your affiliate marketing campaigns to the tippy-top of the likes of Google, Yahoo, and Bing, so buckle up as we delve into the world of keywords, meta tags, backlinks, and more, unraveling the strategies that will set you apart in the vast expanse of the internet. Get ready to embark on a quest for digital supremacy, armed with insights that are second to none!

First things first: Get to know your audience and your competitors

One of the best things about Search Engine Optimization is that it is highly targeted. Hence, it requires marketers to consider what sort of words and phrases their target demographics are likely to type into search engines and the kinds of content that will keep them engaged. This ensures that your online advertising and marketing materials are viewed primarily by people who may be interested in your brand. You don’t want to gain a reputation as a spammy company that tries to reach anyone they can, after all.

To conduct helpful keyword research, you should start by thinking about the intent of your audience. Firstly, list potential phrases they might use to find the kinds of goods and services your company offers. After that, you can use tools such as Google Search Console, Google AdWords, Word Tracker, or Keyword Planner to discover which phrases are most commonly tapped into search bars.

On top of this, you should conduct a thorough competitor analysis. Look at the keywords that work for high-ranking competitors and try to emulate their process and, indeed, outdo them. This can be done with competitor analysis tools such as SEMrush, a program that offers gap analysis as well as Screaming Frog, a tool that finds common key phrases on web pages. Taking a look at their Similarweb ranking is also a good way to gauge the popularity of your competitors.

Write with humans in mind

While focusing on keywords is an essential aspect of SEO, it can also make the content seem stilted or difficult to read. What’s more, search engines such as Google use algorithms that prefer high-quality content.

To drive online traffic, you will need to ensure your content is readable and informative. One of the best ways to produce a steady stream of content is to set up a blog or news article section on your site. Moreover, you can include brief opinion pieces, how-to guides, or top-tip articles addressing hot topics that affect your industry. This will encourage search engines to favor your website and, if you post regularly, keep customers coming back for more.

Keyword Ranking? Difficulty? What’s the difference?

Keyword ranking and keyword difficulty are two important concepts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). They are related but refer to different aspects of SEO research and strategy. Here’s an explanation of the difference between these two terms:

Keyword Ranking:

  • Keyword ranking refers to the position at which a specific keyword or search term appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs) when a user conducts a search. It tells you where your website or webpage ranks for a particular keyword in relation to other websites.
  • Keyword ranking is often expressed as a numerical value, such as “ranking #3 for keyword X” or “page 1 ranking for keyword Y.”
  • The goal of SEO is to improve the keyword ranking of a website’s pages for relevant keywords, ideally aiming for the top positions, as higher rankings generally lead to more organic traffic.

Keyword Difficulty:

  • Keyword difficulty, on the other hand, is a measure of how challenging it is to rank for a specific keyword in the search results. It assesses the level of competition that exists for a particular keyword.
  • Keyword difficulty is typically scored on a scale or index, often ranging from 1 to 100 or similar. Higher scores indicate greater competition and difficulty, while lower scores suggest that it may be easier to rank for that keyword.
  • Various factors contribute to keyword difficulty, including the number and authority of competing websites, the quality of their content, and the strength of their backlink profiles.

In summary, keyword ranking is the actual position of your website or webpage in search results for a specific keyword, while keyword difficulty is an assessment of how hard it is to achieve a high ranking for that keyword due to competition. SEO professionals use both these metrics to make informed decisions about which keywords to target, optimize their content, and develop effective SEO strategies to improve their website’s visibility and traffic.

Time to E-A-T!

One crucial concept that has gained prominence in recent years is E-A-T, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Understanding and implementing E-A-T principles can significantly impact your website’s performance in search rankings. Let’s look at a quick breakdown of what E-A-T is and how you can leverage it to enhance your SEO strategy.


Expertise is the first pillar of E-A-T. It emphasizes the importance of creating content that showcases your or your authors’ knowledge and proficiency in their respective fields. Here’s how to boost expertise on your website:

  • Author Credentials: Clearly display the qualifications, experience, and expertise of the authors contributing to your content. This establishes their credibility and authority.
  • Niche Relevance: Ensure that the content on your website aligns with your niche or industry. If you’re offering medical advice, for instance, it should come from medical professionals.
  • In-Depth Content: Create comprehensive, well-researched, and insightful content that demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic. Avoid shallow or generic content.


Authoritativeness is all about building a solid reputation and credibility for your website and its content. Here’s how to enhance authoritativeness:

  • High-Quality Backlinks: Earn backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites. These endorsements from others in your industry signal to search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable.
  • Consistent Publishing: Regularly produce and publish high-quality content in your niche. A consistent posting schedule can help establish your website’s authority over time.
  • Transparency: Be transparent about your website’s purpose and goals. Make it clear who the authors are and how you verify the accuracy of your information.


Trustworthiness is the foundation of E-A-T. It’s about creating a sense of trust between your website and its visitors. Here’s how to build trust:

  • Accurate Information: Always provide accurate and reliable information. Misleading or inaccurate content can harm your website’s reputation.
  • Citing Sources: When necessary, cite credible sources to support your claims. This demonstrates that you’ve done your research and are committed to providing reliable information.
  • Security Measures: Ensure that your website has strong security measures, especially if it deals with sensitive information. A secure website builds trust among users.

It’s important to remember that E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor used by search engines, yet it does play a significant role in determining how search engines assess and rank content. By prioritizing expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in your SEO strategy, you can create a website that not only ranks well but also builds trust with your audience. In an age where online credibility is paramount, E-A-T should be a central focus of your SEO efforts. So, remember to expertly craft your content, establish authority in your niche, and always deliver trustworthy information to your audience.

Your on-page SEO optimization strategy checklist

While creating high-quality content is an elusive art, you can follow a few simple rules to boost your SEO score.

These include:

1. Page titles
Your page title should be unique for every page of your site and needs to be different from its heading.

2. Headings
You should have one heading per page, each incorporating the </h1> HTML tag. Also, if you want to learn more about using HTML to boost your SEO score and increase traffic, check out this helpful article.

3. Use unique meta descriptions
Using unique meta descriptions for every page of your site will improve your SEO score.

4. Use unique keywords
Try to use unique and carefully selected keywords for every page of your site, ensuring not to overstuff them with popular words and phrases.

5. Incorporate keywords in headings, URLs, page titles, and meta descriptions
Search engine algorithms favor this approach as it helps them to find the most relevant sites for users. Thus, try to use keywords you think your target audience will commonly search for.

6. Optimize your images
This involves a number of techniques, including formatting your images correctly, making them a decent size, and naming them with concise and relevant descriptions. In addition, you should try to incorporate keyword-rich image names. For more information on optimizing your images for SEO purposes, look at this helpful guide.

7. Consider using emojis
It is easy to forget that web users can use emojis in search engine bars. However, if your target demographic is young and tech-literate, it may be worth incorporating emojis in your content to boost SEO efforts. For more help on emoji use, head to Search Engine Journal.

Your technical SEO checklist

SEO is about much more than producing high-quality content that is rich in keywords. Indeed, search engines bump websites up the rankings if they contain specific technical characteristics that improve user experiences. If you’re wondering how to increase traffic with technical SEO, you should take into account the following factors:

1. Site speed
If your website is slow to load, it will drop down the SERP rankings. To address this issue, try removing everything on your site that slows it down. This could include high-resolution images, for example, or large video files. You can test your site speed for free on sites such as Pingdom.

2. Install an SSL certificate
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology creates encrypted links between web servers and browsers, improving security for web users. SSL sites can be easily spotted as their URLs start with ‘https://’ rather than the standard ‘http://’. Therefore, installing an SSL certificate is particularly important if you own an e-commerce site.

3. Look out for broken links and redirections
Your site will move down the SERP rankings if it includes broken links or redirections. In this way, it is important to check that your web links are working regularly. You can check whether your site contains redirections with this tool.

4. Mobile responsiveness
Ensuring that your website works on various devices, including mobiles and tablets, is an important aspect of Search Engine Optimization. Especially because people are increasingly using these devices in favor of PCs and laptops.

5. Avoid duplicate content
Search engines penalize websites that duplicate content either from elsewhere on the site or from other websites. In other words, avoid this at all costs.

6. Create a sitemap
Sitemaps help web users find their way around your websites and are loved by search engine algorithms. That’s because they help users find their way around websites quickly and easily. Find out more about creating a sitemap here.

7. Make the most of robot.txt files

Robot.txt files are smart text files that tell web robots, such as search engines, which of your web pages they should be crawling. Undoubtedly, this is great for SEO purposes. Find out more here.


I can definitely agree with the Adcash team here. If you follow all the basic steps shown here, you pretty much have everything covered and your site will increase its rankings and traffic within a few months.

As we launch new websites every year, we have noticed Google loves sites that are taken care of, including having the basic SSL, a fast loading site and proper internal linking without broken links or weird redirects.

However, put special attention into keyword research as you really want to target keywords that are being searched on Google while keeping the language to a human level. Pair that with a good linking strategy and you’ll have a ton of traffic you can monetize with a great network like Adcash!

Servando Silva

SEO Expert,

Incorporating a link-building strategy

Link-building is another aspect of SEO that you should pay attention to. It involves winning backlinks to your website on other company sites. You should also include outbound links on your site that direct users to blogs or web pages hosted by reputable organizations.

How to achieve backlinks

To win backlinks, you will need to develop good relationships with other companies or sites. This means getting involved with online conversations and putting your brand out there on social media. It also involves creating high-quality content. To monitor backlinks, you can use the Google Search Console to search for links to your site.

Use tools such as Majestic, MOZ, and Ahrefs to conduct thorough backlink research and check out what competitors are doing.

Don’t be afraid to repurpose old content

Most marketing departments simply don’t have time to come up with fresh and exciting content at the rate demanded by search engines. Therefore, repurposing old content is a perfectly acceptable Search Engine Optimization technique. It could involve:

1. Reposting on social media
Posting old content is a great way to draw in new customers who may not have viewed your content before.

2. Rewriting old content
If you’re stuck for new topics, rephrasing old content will mitigate the risks that come with duplication, such as placing lower search engine rankings and turning customers off who have already read certain articles.

3. Create infographics
Creating infographics from old articles is a great way to spin them into something aesthetically pleasing that will attract clicks.

And finally… measure, analyze, optimize, and repeat

Tracking your SEO efforts is absolutely vital to success as it will show you what you have been doing right and what you have been doing wrong. Suitable tools to track success include Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

To wrap it all up…

In conclusion, understanding the basics of SEO is essential for anyone looking to improve their online presence and increase visibility in search engine results. But remember, SEO is constantly evolving, so staying updated with the latest trends and algorithm changes is essential for maintaining your SEO success. By implementing these basic principles and remaining dedicated to continuous improvement, you’ll achieve better visibility and attract more organic traffic to your website.

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